We decided to go V1 Concept Restaurant that located at Puchong to celebrate Mandy's Birthday. Been read many bloggers had blog about this restaurant before, but never get the chance to go. Yet, this is my first time went there. It's great! ^^b Let's start the Ferrari journey! :D
Maybe weekends there will be Live Band Performance..Beside the restaurant is a bar...
HONK ME!! To call their crew to serve us..
but we dint honk it actually..just calling them by "excuse me"...HAHAHA...cause it's might be very funny if we did honk this :DDD
This is one of their specials! Order your meal by using IPAD!
All the prices of their foods and drinks are so reasonable! Seriously not that expensive like what we expected. Quite cheap compare to others Theme Restaurant.
The sofa is just so comfortable! Love it so much..Can i have one at my house :D

Camwhore time! The birthday girl! I always look more older than her maybe because of her size .___. She is 21 years old now! I'm just 18!
If you know me, sure you know that my Poon's family all the body sizes are like dwarfs! I look small size with my friends but when i walking with my cousins i'm the most giant! -.-

Some of our meal of the night! Yummmmmm yummmmm
Birthday cake time! I think nowadays buying this jelly cake is a trend. Cause there are some of the people doesn't like to eat cream cake and this is their best choice.

Love this photo so much..We look happy :D
Ohya..there got a model Ferrari in the restaurant let us to take photo too!

We can sit inside the car! ^^ How great if this is the real one
Games Times and Punishment Times!
Poker cards is the most great invention in the world!
Just a deck of cards you can play many different games!
*i want to buy one and keep in my bag :p Just to avoid awkward moment when gathering with friends and don't have the same topic..Cards is the best thing to build good relationship!*

All ladies! Some of them are Mandy colleagues
Comes to the second round, Stage, KL
Actually I'm doesn't want to go for the second round due my stomach pain like hell after drank all the punishment drinks (Jasmine + Heineken + idk what)
At last I did went there around 12.30am..It's quite late ady...Just went there to say Happy Birthday to them and meet up some friends. Afterthat, start party rock! :D
The Hot mama - Wincz
That's all for last Friday. I gotta rush my last assignment now..kthxbyebyebyebyebye :')
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